list of doom, adulting

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    annarti Aug 05, 2016 17:50

    Tuesday I was SO ON POINT with doing stuff. I did everything I set out to do after work :D

    Went for a run, cos I'm back on that now as of 1 August because there's enough light now, yay.
    Reheated pizza for dinner while having a shower
    Ate the pizza watching Game Grumps
    Went shopping for soup ingredients
    Saw Ghostbusters and was most entertained :D ( Read more... )

    admin, list of doom, tech fail

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    annarti Feb 11, 2016 21:25

    The best thing about finishing the jar of sundried tomatoes is using the oil to make sweet potato chips. Necessity forced me to use the microwave and then the griller to cook them, but that actually worked out better than my usual oven method, I think, so I'll be doing that again ( Read more... )

    list of doom, friends, pampering

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